Handmade Ornament that You Can Make for Christmas

Decking up the artificial Christmas tree every year would have been more of a boring task if there are no ornaments that come with it. These ornaments make your tree even more beautiful. For the natural trees in your garden, the diversity of ornaments you can gather on your tree determines how beautiful the tree will be.

If by ornaments, you are only thinking of the store-bought decorations stowed away in your attic, you have to rethink. The ornaments for your trees could be handmade and just as beautiful. Handmade ornaments can be a practical, fun and thrifty way to decorate your tree.

Whether you are already in the holiday season or you are getting prepared for the festivities and you want to get your décor ready, this is for you. These ideas will allow you to get ahead and make your handmade ornament for the festive period:

Wood slice ornament

If you are looking at getting started with handmade ornament for Christmas, it can’t easier than wood slice ornaments. A slab of wood is sliced and the surface can be used to recreate whatever you desire. You could tape a picture to the slice of the wood, you could write or draw on the surface.

Crusted star

Stars are synonymous to Christmas, the star that the three wise men saw was symbolic and so are the star ornaments on trees. Making the crusted star is easy; cut out the star on a piece of cardboard and pour on some glue, put on the bead crusts and you are good to go.

Rae Dunn Ornaments

Rae Dunn Ornaments are not for Christmas, it can be used for practical stuff and projects. From mugs to clothes or even a Christmas tree decoration. The word that will get unto the ornaments must be printed first and then heat transferred to the ornament. You can transfer the words onto anything at all.

Beautified grapevine ball

Grapevine balls are beautiful on their own, right? You are correct, but then you can make your grapevine balls even more beautiful. You can put a wedding hook and some decorative chains to good use. Wrap it around your grapevine ball and tuck it in, you are good to go.

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